“Personal training sessions brought so many advantages for me, one of which was the fact that I had to turn up and couldn’t just decide to stay in bed!
More importantly, Sam always finds a great balance in knowing when to push me further than I would push myself without ever making me feel like I was being pushed too far for the condition I have. I know I would never have been able to make this sort of progress by myself.
I always train first thing in the morning and very early on realised how much better I was feeling going into the office following a session and how much my energy levels were improving generally.
I found the nutrition side of things very interesting and found I could make changes that I could be consistent with, that I enjoyed and that fitted my goals. Things were tested somewhat when an intolerance to cow’s milk (goodbye whey protein!) and eggs was discovered but I’m now back into a consistent routine and eating 5 times a day is great!
I have no doubt that had I not decided to start personal training sessions with Sam I would have still been locked in the cycle of reading the odd thing on the internet trying to do some things myself and never truly committing to anything or making any serious progress.
There were so many benefits to working with Sam, obviously his expertise was crucial to be able to shape a plan that worked for me and my goals, but equally as important was his ability to keep me motivated and push me further than I thought I was capable of without it ever seeming that it was too much.
It was the best of both worlds, I was seeing great results and also thoroughly enjoying the sessions. It’s fair to say that Sam revolutionised the way I thought about exercise and nutrition and has enabled me to be able to put what he taught me into practice when training by myself.
Looking back over my time working with Sam the only thing I would have changed is I should have started working with him sooner!”
