“Since working with Sam he has helped me with structure, making better food choices and sets realistic goals. This is the longest time I’ve stuck with any fitness plan and the best results I’ve achieved ever!
Sam has motivated me to make the necessary changes which have led to my diabetes being under control for the first time in 5 years. He has an in-depth knowledge of all things health and fitness and explains things to me in a way I can understand.
I have higher energy level and am generally much happier in myself through both my appearance and mentally. I know without Sam’s help and guidance I would have stayed in the rut I was in and wouldn’t have achieved my goals.
Different personal trainers have different styles and I feel Sam is a good match for me, he understands me as a person and what motivates me, I feel he really cares about helping me achieve my goals and improving my health long term.”

Steve has recently gone into type 2 diabetes remission after working with me since mid-September which is a huge life changing achievement!
Type 2 diabetes put simply is an inability for the body to regulate blood glucose (sugar).
HbA1c is a test of your average blood glucose (sugar) levels typically over a three-month period. A high HbA1c means you have too much sugar in your blood.
Steve was up at 120mmol in August and the aim was to get to at least <48mmol if not <42mmol. In October, he had almost halved it to 68mmol, and this month he got it right down to 38mmol!
Reversal vs Remission:
Terminology is key here. The term reversal implies that the effects are completely reversed and won’t return, whereas in reality this isn’t the case and if not regulated, HbA1c levels could rise again, so the term remission is more appropriate.
Now, it’s still early days and this needs to be maintained, remission is not a one-off event, but a process. This is just the beginning, but a massive accomplishment to achieve in such a short period of time!
So how did we go about reaching this goal?
We did not use the low-calorie (800-1200kcal) diet, Mediterranean or low GI method.
These methods have a time and place for certain people, but for me they doesn’t particularly help with the long-term psychological changes that need to take place for permanent results and a sustainable lifestyle change.
We simply used my go to equation.
Principles + Preferences = Progress.
First, we had to get his mindset on point, once this clicked, everything started to fall into place.
Nutrition wise, we introduced a slight calorie deficit and stuck with food he enjoys while looking to improve food quality over time. He also chose to pack in the booze.
With training, it’s just been resistance work and increasing expenditure via steps.
This success is all down to Steve’s dedication and consistency.